Monday, July 7, 2008


Our milk has the same sell by date as our baby!! We are due on the 10th of July...Hopefully Baby Miller will make an appearance before the expiration date :-)


  1. Hi,

    I don't have your email address sorry, so I'm leaving the message here -

    Last night I randomly drew out swap partners today and your partner is Andrea from Baby Mulholland(h Andrea is expecting their second little bubba in January.

    The aim is to have your swaps posted by the end of August. I have Andrea's email and postal address so if you'd like to send me an e-mail I can forward these on to you, or leave a comment for her on her blog so she can contact you. Also, if you could be bothered.. send me a photo of what you receive in your swap so we can all see what everyone gets!

    Thanks again for signing up, I hope you have fun. Good luck with your new arrival too, any day now.

    Cheers, Anna.

  2. Your baby has a sell by date? Just kidding. You probably go to bed every night wondering if you'll wake up and make the trip to the hospital. I know I do. I feel like I should have a bag packed. Hopefully it'll happen at a more convenient time, but babies have a mind of their own when it comes to that.
    You got a great picture of the fireworks. Take care and we'll see you soon I'm sure. The other Ma Miller
