Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Baby E's First Present

Baby E isn't quite sure what to do with the things inside the coolest part of Christmas - the wrapping paper and bows!! Mommy and Daddy will keep them for her when she will become more interested in them onstead of the paper!
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This Candy Cane is Tippy!

G had a candy cane wrapped in tinfoil so it wasn't so sticky. She kept telling us it was we took off some on the tinfoil. Turns out a tippy candy cane is better than no candy cane!
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E's First Christmas

E almost slept through her first Christmas present opening session! She woke up after Grace started screeching about her pile of presents.
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Thursday, December 25, 2008

Here's Hoping Your Christmas Doesn't "Suck"

Merry Christmas!!! Hope you are all having a great day with your friends and family.
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Sunday, December 21, 2008

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Baby E's Mirror

Baby E just discovered that her toy bin has a mirror. She is enjoying looking at herself!

Friday, December 19, 2008

Happy 5 Months!

Baby E -

We missed your 5 month birthday yesterday because we were so busy! We ended up at the doctor's office because you have sensitive skin. Doctor O. thinks it's eczema. Great - just like momma! While we were at the doctor's office, you were weighed and measured. What a surprise - you've gained weight. You are at 18 lb 9 oz with your clothes and shoes on. Yikes - that's more than 2 lbs since your last visit, less than a month ago! And you've grown almost half an inch.

This month we've done some fun things - we've joined a Mom's group, so we are making friends for both of us. You've started really trying to get around - you are up on your hands a lot trying to figure out how to move. Sometimes you sleep on your tummy, but you always do it face down, so it makes momma and daddy worry. You got to use your jumper seat even though you haven't figured out how to jump yet. You had your first Thanksgiving and tried to get a drink of Grampa's wine. You've eaten a bunch of rice cereal, mostly the kind with apples.

We also met two very important people. One was your 'cousin' Gwen that lives in Lake Orion. You pretty much just stared at each other, but we are looking forward to you tow playing together. The other was SANTA!!! You sat on his lap and didn't even cry. What a brave girl :-)

Now we are looking forward to Christmas and New Year's with you. It's going to be an exciting time!! Happy 5 months E!!

She Really is a Princess

We saw this bed at Art van when we were buying our bed. Isn't it perfect for our little princess? Just like Cinderella....
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Baby E, checkin' herself out in the mirror. Turns out she loves looking at herself almost as much as Elmo!
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Thursday, December 18, 2008

The One You've Been Waiting For...

Here's Baby E's picture with Santa. She wasn't scared, but she was obviously none too pleased either! Isn't this Santa so real? He's a big hit at the mall.
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Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Shoes or Socks?

Baby E received this cute socks from someone Gramma D works with. She got a whole bunch of them - in about 8 different colors. They are so cute!
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Monday, December 15, 2008

Writing her List for Santa

Baby E took time out from her busy schedule to write her list for Santa when we were at the mall. Isn't that beret cute?
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Saturday, December 13, 2008

Baby E is Reading Already

While we were eating out last night, Baby E decided to get some reading in. This is her favorite new toy - crunchy fabric books. Thank goodness they absorb so much slobber!
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Friday, December 12, 2008

Baby E is a King...Happiest after She Eats

Baby E just finished up some rice cereal (yummy, right?!) and has a few things to say about it...

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Baby E's Big Mess

Baby E has been doing pretty good with her rice cereal (her favorite is Rice and Apples - yum!). But today was a different story - she put her hands in her mouth then proceeded to rub them in her eyes, on her forehead, and apparently, behind her ears. I'm still finding dried cereal on her little head!
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Tummy Sleeping - Not Happening Lady!

Baby E has been flipping herself over from her back to her tummy when she wakes up in her bed. Then she does pushups like this and yells until someone gets her. She will not relax and just sleep on her tummy.

Here she is peeking over the top to see if anyone is coming to save her. Silly girl!

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Monday, December 8, 2008

Jump, Jump, Jump

Baby E now holds her head steady enough to use her doorway jumper. She hasn't figured out the jumping yet, but she likes to twiest around on her toes - it's pretty cute!
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Sunday, December 7, 2008

Baby E and Kiara

Kiara and Baby E have kind of called a mutual, unstated truce. Kiara will come up on the bed, but stay far away from Baby E. So, one day, I moved E over to Kiara, and she got to pet her! I think Kiara has finally decided that E isn't going anywhere, so she might as well be friendly!
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Thursday, December 4, 2008

Pumpkin Cheesecake Pie

I was finally allowed to bring a pie to Thanksgivin dinner. I know Mom was nervous, but look how good it is/was! Congratulations to me!!!
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Wednesday, December 3, 2008

E's Turkey Dress

Baby E's Turkey dress was quite a hit! Isn't she pretty? She had on little white shoes too, but she kept kicking them off. Just like Mommy!
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Tuesday, December 2, 2008

And another...

Uncle Steve seems to be quite smitten with Baby E too...she has so many admirers!!!
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Monday, December 1, 2008

And here's another under her control....

Baby E has Grandpa Miller doing just what she wants too. Boy, is she good at that!!!
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