Sunday, November 30, 2008

Guess Who E's Thankful for

And I'm thankful for Baby E. We're so lucky to have such a beautiful, silly, healthy, fantastic baby girl. We love you Baby E!
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Uncle Chet

Baby E got to visit with Uncle Chet again! He came up to visit for Thanksgiving. Looks like she can add him to the list of guys that she has complete control over!

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Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Rice Cereal!!!!

Baby E's first taste of 'solid' foods. Her doctor told us that she wakes up every hour and a half because she's hungry! So, she got to start eating rice cereal, hoping that will fill her up a little better for the night. Mommy sure hopes so!!!
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Monday, November 24, 2008

Baby E's 'Fifth Wheel"

Baby E has some cloth diapers that are 'one size fits all' . This one happens to be too big for her now, but she'll grow into it. Until then Daddy calls it her fifth wheel (he's learned about these since moving back to Michigan).
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Sleeping Like a Baby?

Sleeping like a baby-yeah right! I don't think I want to if I have to just wear diaper!!

Let's Say Thanks

Sunday, November 23, 2008

That's Nice

Baby E has figured out (sometimes) how to suck that thumb...will it soon be 'goodbye sucky'? Let's hope!!
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Saturday, November 22, 2008

A New Favorite Trick

Baby E has started scratching every fabric she gets her hands on! She loves to scratch the sheets on her bed, the sides of her bed, her Daddy's shirt...the list is neverending. Keeps her nails nice and short though!
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Learning to Rest

"Finally, I figured out how to rest my big head when I'm on my tummy. Now I don't have to work so hard when I roll myself over."
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Friday, November 21, 2008

Here, You Take Care of It....

This has been Baby E's pose when she's getting her diaper changed lately. Kinda like "Here, I know it's messy, but you do it." And this one was messy! Whew! Stinky Baby!
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Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Baby's New "Big Girl" Toy

Baby E tried out her walker toy yesterday. Her little feet don't reach the ground yet, but she liked the toys and the feeling of sitting upright. The music was VERY loud though, so Daddy covered it up with her burp cloth.
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Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Happy 4 Months, Baby E!

Baby E -
Last year at this time, we were telling your grandparents that you were on your way. And now you're here, making our lives better, more enjoyable, more exciting, more sleep deprived, more fun, more...just more everything!

You've grown so much in the past four months - not just physically (although you've gone from 7 lbs 15 oz to 15 lbs 11 oz and from 20 inches to about 26!), but in so many other ways! You are now smiling socially, cooing, making raspberries, chewing on everything, holding on to toys, rolling over and so much more. You still love your swing - it's great for getting you to sleep when you are so fussy. You are also really enjoying sitting in your Bumpo seat - you look like such a big girl!

You have also done a lot in your short four months - we've moved a lot, looked at a lot of houses in two different cities, been to your grandparents' houses many times, and driven all over the state of Michigan (at least it seems that way!).

Even though you've only been here for 4 months, I can't imagine our life without you. We love you more than words can say...Happy 4 months Baby E!

Some Cute Baby Smiles

We've actually gotten two pictures of Baby E smiling - the smiles are frequent, but hard to catch! What a sweet little girly.
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First Time Facing Out!

The first time that Baby E got to ride facing out, actually seeing where she is going! She liked the ride, that's for sure! This was back on Noember 5 - took a while to actually get to the blog this time - oops!
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Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Biiiiig Stretch

Baby E waking up one morning. So sweet.

Baby E loves her lion!

We were testing out the video on my phone, and it works!!! Check out this video of Baby E playing with/chewing on her favorite lion toy. Watch for some videos, now that we know this works!!!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Trip to the Library



Just found these pictures and realized I never posted them! Baby E's first trip to the library, way back in September! She even got two books to check out, even if she didn't read them very often :-) Hopefully she'll enjoy reading as much as Mommy - she even reads the shampoo bottles!
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Monday, November 10, 2008

Sunday, November 9, 2008

On a Roll.....





She's done it! Wednesday was the first day, and she hasn't stopped since! These are from Thursday - aren't those pants cute?!
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Thursday, November 6, 2008

Can you see her?


Baby E at Uncle Steve's house. He has camo sheets. Can't even see the baby, can you? Thank goodness she was wearing pink!
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Wednesday, November 5, 2008

A Good Citizen


Baby E cast her first ballot yesterday (I bet you can't guess who she voted for!!). She was a proud little girl, let me tell you. Her mommy and daddy are proud too!
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Change has come to America

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Pooped Out Princess


Baby E after her very first party - she was pretty tired! She slept through most of it, and continued to sleep all the way home. What a good sport!
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